
An assorted collection of thoughts on business, finance, and life. Browse by tags.

28 Apr 2022

Phishing frauds have gone thorugh the roof
The number of phishing frauds has gone through the roof, and everybody is being targeted...
26 Apr 2022

What's it like being a CEO in a song?
What's it like being a CEO in a song...
11 Apr 2022

NSE reintroduces Do Not Excersise (DNE)
The Do Not Exercise (DNE) facility for stock options is reintroduced from this expiry onwards....
07 Apr 2022

A fun health program at Zerodha
We are running a fun health program at Zerodha...
06 Apr 2022

Alternatives to plastic using seaweed
Today's Finshots talks about the 300 million tonnes of plastic the world produces every year and the irreversible damage we together cause the planet...
05 Apr 2022

Why are billions being invested into Indian non-profitable startups by VCs?
It is concerning that we have a few customers still buying Sintex shares even after this nudge that the stock price will go to 0 and mandating a TOTP...
01 Apr 2022

Voting on shareholder proposals at Zerodha
As a shareholder of a company, you are entitled to vote on important company decisions...
31 Mar 2022

Does Option writing have higher odds of profits?
Does Option writing have higher odds of profits? Yeah, for sure, but only when risk is compared to option buying...
29 Mar 2022

Startup of the year 2021
When we win these awards, we get asked, is Zerodha still a startup?...
24 Mar 2022

Is fractional share investing possible in India?
Fractional investing or the ability to invest say $10 in Amazon at $3200 has been the biggest reason for stock market participation to go up in the US...
21 Mar 2022

A nudge to stop people from buying stocks that are going to zero
It is concerning that we have a few customers still buying Sintex shares even after this nudge that the stock price will go to 0 and mandating a TOTP...
21 Mar 2022

How is Zerodha profitable when most new-age startups aren't?
We get asked often how is Zerodha profitable when most new-age companies aren't...
15 Mar 2022

Videos on Varsity options trading module
We know you've been waiting for a long time. Here's the first video of the long-awaited options trading module...
11 Mar 2022

Importance of health insurance and regular health checkups
Have been getting a lot of questions on selecting health insurance & regular health checkups...
08 Mar 2022

My wife Seema's cancer journey
Seema, my wife, was diagnosed with breast cancer last Nov. She decided to share her journey & learnings till now to create awareness...
21 Feb 2022

User verification at Zerodha and protecting yourself against identity theft
With the rise of online loan platforms, online identity frauds have skyrocketed. Here's our customer verification process in detail...
18 Feb 2022

Why our financial year start in April
So this is why our financial year starts in April and not Jan, from my 6-year-old son's history factbook...
17 Feb 2022

Making insurance simple
Insurance unfortunately needs to be hard sold today. The issue is that most don’t understand why they need insurance...
14 Feb 2022

The importance of money management
If traders make money quickly with bad behavior, they mostly lose it just as quickly...
10 Feb 2022

The benchmark for success
Maybe it has nothing to do with being founders, & it's just human nature that absolute success isn’t as satisfying as relative success...