Preparing for some fitness challnge is a good hack to stay motivated

03 Sep 2023

Preparing for events like marathons, obstacle and fitness races, triathlons, etc., is an incredible hack to stay motivated on your health journey. If you are starting your journey, then signing up for such events is also a good way to push yourself to start.

Adnan Adeeb and I just ran the super challenging Hyrox fitness race, having spent the last couple of months preparing for it. Adnan has to be one of the fittest 50+ senior citizens 😜 I know. He swears by strength and resistance training and says it’s the key to aging strongly.

Adnan runs the Devils Circuit and is one of the few in the business of health and fitness in India who walks the talk. Creating such events that are accessible to many is something we hope to achieve through Rainmatter’s partnership with Devils Circuit and Adnan.

Dilip Kumar recently spoke to Adnan on how he manages to stay this fit at 50+ and about the business. Watch the full conversation here

The image had the details of the Hyrox race if you want to attempt it.

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