
21 May 2024

Why Zerodha doesn't advertise
Every fourth ad is that of a brokerage firm...
10 May 2024

On SEBI's proposed changes to simplify DP processes
This consultation paper, if implemented...
18 Sep 2023

Dark patterns in banking
A colleague had to visit a bank...
07 Dec 2022

Thoughts on use cases of RBI's single block and multiple debits on UPI
RBI's announcement of allowing single block and multiple debits on UPI can potentially have some interesting outcomes...
12 Jul 2022

Demat accounts in India
Trend in demat account openings
30 May 2022

Wrong estimates of trading activity, market size and market share
Even to this day, a lot of people misconstrue the turnover numbers declared by the exchanges...
09 Feb 2022

Can brokerage go to 0 in India?
Many people ask me if brokerage rates can go to zero like in the US...
23 Dec 2020

Total addressable market for brokers
Since broking is hot post-COVID, inspite of all the spike in trading volumes and activtity, the total addressable market is just ~1.5 million users. I had shared this pre-Covid. Broking ...