
02 Jul 2024

SEBI’s “true to label” circular
SEBI issued a new circular mandating all market infrastructure institutions, like stock exchanges, to be "true to the label" in how they levy charges...
21 May 2024

Why Zerodha doesn't advertise
Every fourth ad is that of a brokerage firm...
02 Jan 2024

2023 at Zerodha
2023 was a busy year for us...
23 Aug 2023

You need both physical and digital presence to reach more customers in India
HDFC Bank opening 4 new branches daily last year is phenomenal...
31 Mar 2023

The SEBI board meeting press conference is a masterclass on Indian markets
The press conference post the SEBI board meets feels like being in a master class on Indian capital markets...
30 Nov 2022

Why everyone should pay more attention to India
Whenever students ask me for advice, I say, stay in India. Not just because we need to avoid the brain drain...
28 Nov 2022

Slow growth vs debt fuelled fast growth
A saving mindset is what will help us in times like now when countries that have borrowed heavily...
03 Nov 2022

Can the Indian broking industry continue growing at the same pace?
Whenever I get asked if @zerodhaonline or the Indian broking...
08 Aug 2022

Word of mouth is more valuable than anything paid
Word of mouth is more valuable than anything paid...
01 Oct 2021

Valuation of stock brokerages around the world
I am pessimistic about the valuations of brokerages...
09 Sep 2021

Who can disrupt new-age online brokers or even exchanges?
I get asked often, who out there do you think can disrupt the new-age online brokers or even exchanges...
15 Aug 2021

Zerodha's 11th birthday.
If I were to look back on the 11 years of Zerodha, we are most proud of building a business that continues to innovate, & prioritise customer interest over business growth constantly...
28 Jul 2021

Scaling with common sense
If there was ever a person who's had a strong influence on me, it's K (Kailash), the secret sauce behind Zerodha...
19 Jul 2021

How will the broking industry perform next few years? This is a question I get asked often, more recently.
16 Jul 2021

Almost 20% of all Zomato applications are through Zerodha.
Almost 20% of all Zomato applications are through Zerodha...
15 Jul 2021

The last 18 months at Zerodha
The last 18 months at Zerodha have been eventful, to say the least...
12 Jul 2021

The risk for high growth B2C tech IPOs
when you buy options the max you can lose is the premium you have paid. But to get a sense of risk and how fast or easily you can lose, you should look at the exposure or contract value...
30 May 2021

On the noise about our salaries
I’m surprised by the unwanted noise around this whole salary news of Nikhilk, Seema (my wife), & me....
28 May 2021

A few thoughts on the Zerodha journey so far
Buying more of an asset as it goes down is a common behaviour among retail investors....
06 May 2021

Worklife balance at Zerodha
At Zerodha, we have just killed all work-related chats post 6 pm & holidays. Also trying to get as many conversations to be asynchronous...