Over $400billion went out of India to import gold vs $600 billion+ that came in through FPI, FDI & VC. Imagine, instead of gold, some of that money was invested in Indian companies...
I'm surprised that, so many are surprised that just 1% of active traders make more than bank fixed deposits over 3 years timeframe. Active trading is like running a business, only a small % succeed...
With mandatory physical delivery for stock options and the removal of the Do Not Exercise (DNE) facility for options (Especially buy options), the risk of huge losses has gone up significantly...
You need to get a CA to validate IT returns (ITR) or get a tax audit if profit when trading is< than 6% of turnover or if the turnover is> Rs 10 crores. This is an anomaly...
If financial services businesses are allowed to mis-sell greed & easy + guaranteed returns from risky financial products, it not only harms consumers but it creates a systemic risk...
My view on the reduction of intraday leverages is that there will be near-term pain (for Zerodha too). We'll see a drop in trading volumes and an increase in impact cost...
Managing other people's money in ways that aren't allowed leads to the most complaints with the regulators. There are ways to do it legally, and those that can incur significant penalties. Here's all that you need to know about managing money.