
17 May 2022

Brokerage charges across the indsutry
We still don't charge brokerage for equity delivery & charge Rs 20 or 0.03% whichever is lower for intraday...
16 May 2022

Stock market scams to move money illegally
A trader was lured into sharing login credentials on a telegram group by promising high returns...
31 Mar 2022

Does Option writing have higher odds of profits?
Does Option writing have higher odds of profits? Yeah, for sure, but only when risk is compared to option buying...
15 Mar 2022

Videos on Varsity options trading module
We know you've been waiting for a long time. Here's the first video of the long-awaited options trading module...
14 Feb 2022

The importance of money management
If traders make money quickly with bad behavior, they mostly lose it just as quickly...
03 Feb 2022

Unauthorised CFD and forex trading platforms
We had cautioned people about illegal CFD & Forex & Binary trading platforms a while back...
15 Jan 2022

History of F&O margin requirements in India
NSE introduced F&O in 2000 & today NSE is the largest derivatives exchange in the world by volume...
06 Jan 2022

Irresponsible influencers
Watching famous personalities with huge fan followings trying to trigger investors is quite disgusting..
04 Jan 2022

Why only 1% of traders make money
I'm surprised that, so many are surprised that just 1% of active traders make more than bank fixed deposits over 3 years timeframe. Active trading is like running a business, only a small % succeed...
03 Jan 2022

Physical delivery of stock F&O & their risks
With mandatory physical delivery for stock options and the removal of the Do Not Exercise (DNE) facility for options (Especially buy options), the risk of huge losses has gone up significantly...
29 Dec 2021

Fixing the tax audit requirement anomaly for trades
You need to get a CA to validate IT returns (ITR) or get a tax audit if profit when trading is< than 6% of turnover or if the turnover is> Rs 10 crores. This is an anomaly...
04 Dec 2021

The stress of trading 24X7 crypto markets
I can't even begin to imagine the mental health impact of 24X7 crypto markets on those with large crypto exposure...
14 Oct 2021

A trading algo is as good as the person that wrote it
I keep hearing often that algo traders are super profitable, which by the way isn’t true...
20 Sep 2021

Illiquidity premium
I've asked a lot of successful MF, PE & VC managers if they would be able to resist the temptation...
09 Jul 2021

Trading is more about managing fear, greed and psychology than entry/exit strategy.
Trading is more about managing fear, greed and psychology than entry/exit strategy...
08 Jul 2021

Why look at notional contract value when buying options?
when you buy options the max you can lose is the premium you have paid. But to get a sense of risk and how fast or easily you can lose, you should look at the exposure or contract value...
01 Jul 2021

Option buying - The riskiest trade
80% of all open buy option positions at the end of every day are in losses...
28 Jun 2021

Impact of trading costs
What most traders don't realize is that they pay a good chunk of their capital as costs...
22 Jun 2021

Introducing kill switch
When you're in a drawdown while trading, the best thing to do is to take a break...
09 Jun 2021

Nudging users to help them avoid mistakes
Most people don't spend time learning trading or forget what they've learnt when placing an order...