
27 May 2024

Introducing Varsity Live

If you want to learn anything about trading, investing, and personal finance, I don't think there's a better place than Varsity...
09 May 2024

Letters from Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett has been writing letters to...
21 Mar 2024

Varsity junior videos from Tungi
This heartwarming video of...
22 Dec 2023

Financial Literacy for Rural Women-A film by Zerodha Varsity
For India to do well, people must know how to manage their money—not just in metros but in smaller towns and villages...
30 Aug 2022

Introducing Varsity Certified
The best time to learn is before people learn the wrong things...
16 Jun 2022

Varsity Bytes
Starting a new playlist on Zerodha Varsity's Youtube channel