
22 Dec 2022

Free and open source software (FOSS) has been key to the sucess at Zerodha
14 Dec 2022

Business updates, increased disclosures and improving transparency
Almost every brokerage firm, including Zerodha has had a phenomenal last 2.5 years thanks to a raging bull market...
18 Nov 2022

Learning what works and what doest with trading tags
Like everything in life, the way to get better at trading is to do more of what works & less of what doesn't. ...
03 Nov 2022

Can the Indian broking industry continue growing at the same pace?
Whenever I get asked if @zerodhaonline or the Indian broking...
06 Oct 2022

New quarterly settlement guidelines
Starting this October 7th, every first Friday of the quarter, all brokerages must transfer unused funds back to the customer's bank account...
28 Sep 2022

Margin penalties
Margin penalties are charged on F&O in case of insufficient minimum margins...
24 Sep 2022

Health challenge at Zerodha
Our latest health challenge at Zerodha is to give an option to set a daily activity goal on our fitness trackers...
19 Sep 2022

My life guru & the biggest reason for Zerodha's success
How K (Kailash) builds tech is how he leads his life, constantly questioning the cost of everything he does...
07 Sep 2022

Making insurance easy with ditto
AFor a long time, one item on our to-do was to build an insurance platform free of conflicts, mis-selling, spam, &, most importantly, advisors to handhold...
06 Sep 2022

SEBI prohibits brokers from associating with unregulated algo trading platforms
A few thoughts on the Indian broking industry and updates about Zerodha as we turn 12 years old...
26 Aug 2022

We just got to 1 crore customers
We at Zerodha just got to 1 crore customers.
16 Aug 2022

12 years of Zerodha
A few thoughts on the Indian broking industry and updates about Zerodha as we turn 12 years old...
02 Aug 2022

On hacking incidents at Zerodha and measures we're taking
There has been some noise about the hacking incidents at Zerodha. Here is some data...
26 Jul 2022

Zerodha tax reports
Our Tax P&L report has everything to file your ITR—capital gains, speculative & business income, turnover reports, & more...
16 Jun 2022

Varsity Bytes
Starting a new playlist on Zerodha Varsity's Youtube channel
07 Jun 2022

Console portfolio visualization
We're all searching for stocks that always go up. Looking at charts of winners is easy, but picking such stocks is tough...
17 May 2022

Brokerage charges across the indsutry
We still don't charge brokerage for equity delivery & charge Rs 20 or 0.03% whichever is lower for intraday...
08 May 2022

Questioning how milk is sourced
Like many, I had never cared or questioned how my milk is sourced until I started talking to Shashi from Akshayakalpa...
07 May 2022

Kailash on the core philosophy that makes Zerodha
Dr K’s new post talks about the core philosophy that makes Zerodha...
05 May 2022

Introducing Iceberg orders
Active traders lose much more to impact costs than all charges, especially with larger trades...