
07 Apr 2022

A fun health program at Zerodha
We are running a fun health program at Zerodha...
01 Apr 2022

Voting on shareholder proposals at Zerodha
As a shareholder of a company, you are entitled to vote on important company decisions...
29 Mar 2022

Startup of the year 2021
When we win these awards, we get asked, is Zerodha still a startup?...
21 Mar 2022

A nudge to stop people from buying stocks that are going to zero
It is concerning that we have a few customers still buying Sintex shares even after this nudge that the stock price will go to 0 and mandating a TOTP...
21 Mar 2022

How is Zerodha profitable when most new-age startups aren't?
We get asked often how is Zerodha profitable when most new-age companies aren't...
15 Mar 2022

Videos on Varsity options trading module
We know you've been waiting for a long time. Here's the first video of the long-awaited options trading module...
21 Feb 2022

User verification at Zerodha and protecting yourself against identity theft
With the rise of online loan platforms, online identity frauds have skyrocketed. Here's our customer verification process in detail...
17 Jan 2022

From Native to React Native to Flutter
A regular question that comes up is about our use of Flutter for building our mobile apps...
12 Jan 2022

One of the most complex projects at Zerodha
Building reports like Tax P&L, holdings, turnover reports etc. have been one of the most complex projects at Zerodha...
24 Dec 2021

Introducing Varsity video series
Varsity has been 8 yrs in the making with 180+ chapters and 1 lakh+ comments answered by Karthik...
22 Dec 2021

The story behind how the name "Zerodha" came to be
Zerodha = Zero + Rodha. Rodha in Sanskrit means barrier...
27 Nov 2021

Why are we valuing ourselves at just $2 Billion
I keep getting asked why are we valuing ourselves at just $2 Billion currently when smaller players are raising money at far higher valuations...
26 Nov 2021

On "Powered by AI / ML" marketing
Here is a detailed post by Dr K that draws parallels between AI and Rumali roti...
25 Nov 2021

AI and ML at Zerodha
I keep getting asked how we use AI/ML/Blockchain at Zerodha...
16 Nov 2021

Investing in high growth, low profit businesses
If you are investing in new-age businesses that aren't profitable yet & carry large risks, here are right questions to ask...
12 Nov 2021

Why not IPO Zerodha?
We think an IPO is the beginning & not the end. As soon as you have lakhs of conservative retail investors on your cap table, the obligations go up...
10 Nov 2021

Introduction of T+1 settlement
From Feb 2022, the T+1 settlement cycle will be introduced in a phased manner in the Indian markets...
08 Nov 2021

Nice guys never finish last
Your odds of getting lucky in a connected world like ours dramatically go up when you have people genuinely wishing you well...
08 Nov 2021

Trading actively is the toughest way to make easy money
To trade well, you need to trade less—both no of trades & capital...
31 Oct 2021

The future of Zerodha and competition
When you're candid in interviews, you run the risk of being quoted out of context with misleading headlines...